GOLDZONE The Plot: Dealing With Feelings Clean Slate



All The World's a Stage and All The Men and Women Merely Players. They Have Their Exits and Their Entrances and One Man in His Time Play Many Parts. 

-William Shakespeare

Often overlooked and underrated, it is your emotional nature that drives you and provides the energy that fuels all your actions. Drama, conflict, and controversy are what your feelings thrive on. No amount of logic, facts or figures can ever change them. Emotions need action, plays, songs, and stories to learn from if they are to transform.

GOLDZONE'S The Plot Clean Slate introduces you to the feelings that drive you into patterns of action that many times you don’t mentally agree with, or are in conflict with your values. In spite of our high spiritual ideals, religious teachings, and incredible scientific advancements, human behavior has remained much the same throughout history.

This Clean Slate includes a package of education, entertainment, as well as exercises that lead you on a journey of discovery into an entirely new aspect of yourself and how to transform your feelings, emotional drivers, and become more successful in the areas that matter to you most.

Your feelings keep you unconsciously playing the same old roles again and again like a broken record. We often change relationships or partners, in an attempt to get a different outcome, however, the characters will be cast by our emotional nature, which won't change the script. In fact, the more familiar the plot, the more it appeals to our emotions.

Your emotional nature, the actor, and actress within you expresses itself through three starring roles – victim, villain or hero. The villain abuses the victim, the victim who is saved by the hero and the hero defeats the villain.

This Clean Slate will provide you with clarity as well as an action plan to move forward with a fresh start while escaping the universal plots.


This Clean Slate Package includes:
269 Page The Plot Dealing With Feelings Book by Loy Young.
Keynote slides and diagrams.
Beautiful Pages of Dynamic Enquiry and instructions.
6 Pages of the Art of Heart Communication.
5 Pages of Heart Communication Tips.

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