GOLDZONE Entrepreneurship Clean Slate



Turn Your Passion Into a Money-Making Machine That Works Without You!

According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. That's a terrible statistic! The truth is that we all fail and go through difficult periods in life from time to time. The beauty and tragedy of being in business are that everything is magnified - in public!

Your Business is a Reflection of You!

Your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, values, goals, strengths, weaknesses, management style and philosophy all show up in your business. If you have a belief that you have to work 16-hour days in order to be successful, then you will end up working 16-hour days. And you may or may not be successful.

If your leadership style is disrespectful to team members and customers then the energy of the business will reflect this. Only second-rate team members will be attracted as you will only attract people who are OK being disrespected and not appreciated.

Your company will only achieve a fraction of what is possible.

The leader’s style will set the tone for the entire organization through the multiplier effect. Everything is reflected back to you multiplied, exaggerated and often dramatized.

GOLDZONE'S Entrepreneurship Clean Slate clears your limiting beliefs, attitudes and behaviors around business, work, money and your ability to receive money as well as extract every lesson possible from past successes and failures. This opens up more choices in how you turn your passion into a money-making machine!

Don't Give Up!

If you have experienced business, career or financial failures in the past, this Clean Slate will help you to recover, gain the courage and confidence to start again by giving it another go!

Beautiful Pages of Dynamic Enquiry and instructions. Delivered immediately in .PDF format.


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