The OPTIMA Zones of Human Behavior & Peak Performance System



The World's Most Advanced, Comprehensive, and Holistic Behavior and RESULTS Improvement System.

In a world full of uncertainty, risks, increasing complexity, and accelerating change, The OPTIMA Zones provide predictability, certainty, confidence, clarity and peace of mind.

Performance improvement is often confusing and unpredictable. With an effective system, the true cause of underperforming areas can be clearly identified and remedied.

What is Your True Potential?

Most individuals who are interested in realizing their full potential, have no real idea what their full potential is, let alone which one area they could focus on as a Key-Leverage Point that would provide the maximum return for the minimum risk, time and effort.

Successful in The Past?

Many leaders performed well in the past and for some inexplicable reason are off their game and don’t seem to be able to recover no matter what they do.

GOLDZONE’S Personal Leadership & Results System is the most holistic and advanced behavior, results and performance system available in the world today. The system is known as the OPTIMA Zones and was developed by Andrew John Harrison and Anjou MacPherson after extensive international research, training, educating, coaching, and consulting thousands of high-performance individuals, leaders, executives, business owners and professionals from more than 500 cities in 53 countries.

The system was conceived and developed to explain why people behave the way they do, what to do about it, and what would be possible in an ideal condition.

A unique combination of talent, plus dedication and perseverance lead to the development of a holistic system that includes 100 Dynamics of Life, Career, Business, Finance, Relationships, Health, Wealth, and Leadership.

The OPTIMA Zones offer a TREASURE TROVE of specific, actionable strategies to improve the PERFORMANCE of any area. Any SUCCESS MINDED, results FOCUSED person can use the system to their advantage.

This system can be used by anyone to identify where they are at based on their current results, what vision they have for the future, where they want to be and to know with certainty which one thing will bridge the gap in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort, and risk.

An effective Personal Leadership System can be utilized to identify what happened and what specifically can be done to remedy it, not only returning the leader to their past performance but taking it to a higher level than before.

Creating a compelling vision of the future that is based on realizing our true potential is effective as well as fulfilling!

Based on the CORE drivers of human BEHAVIOR, the system focuses on RESULTS.

Most people focus on their strategy, tactics or excuses, explanations, justifications and reasons why something is not working. The OPTIMA Zones system can be used to lead people more effectively, work with clients to solve problems, create more sales, communicate more effectively, understand responses under pressure, enhance team member engagement and identify their unrealized potential for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Ask any leader what their number one challenge is and most will say understanding, working with and leading people! The OPTIMA Zones system makes this easy, predictable and can be used ongoing as a roadmap to enhance performance and solve problems!

A Colour Coded Roadmap

The OPTIMA Zones are comprised of seven color-coded zones mapped across 53 dynamics of Live, Career, Business, and Leadership. Each zone represents a result, which is created by a specific action or non-action. These actions are driven by our emotions.

A zone is a category of outcomes or results that are created from looking at a range from top to bottom. The top being the most ideal and bottom being the least.

Beyond Emotional Intelligence

The concept of Emotional Intelligence originated in the work of Michael Beldoch in 1964 and was further popularized by Danial Goldman in 1995.

Millions of people worldwide have subscribed to the concepts behind Emotional Intelligence and have benefited from becoming more aware and connected. However, the challenge most people have with this work is that the concepts are often communicated and understood intellectually and not integrated emotionally.

To fully understand an emotion, one must, on one hand, grasp the concept mentally and on the other hand feel it emotionally. Mental understanding is easier than feeling it, which is hard for most people due to encountering a range of emotions that they do not know how to handle and do not desire to experience!

From a GOLDZONE perspective, we have spent more than a combined 50 years researching, studying, applying and mastering emotions, the resultant behaviors and how life is experienced emotionally. We have worked with thousands of people worldwide to transform their emotional states, relationships, careers, quality of life, health, businesses and ultimately dramatically improved their results in all areas.

CEO of Your Life!

To be successful in today's competitive environment, every person must become the CEO of their life, career, and relationships. The only way to differentiate yourself is to become better at learning, growing and changing then your peers.

25 Years in the Making

We have committed the past twenty-five years to researching the philosophies and winning formulas of the world's most successful leaders and fastest growing companies - so you can learn from them, and duplicate their results.

We designed this system, based on extensive research into the concerns and opportunities of leaders and high-performance people who want a higher standard of performance, achievement, financial success, and fulfillment

You'll learn the most important information - in the shortest time possible. You'll learn how to form your optimum personal strategy - one that will produce the maximum return for the minimum risk, time and effort.

In this comprehensive system, we have collected the most valuable maximum leverage ideas, strategies, and personal growth concepts into an easy to use step-by-step process. A must have for all leaders, professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs.


  • Comprehensive chart of Seven Zones across 53 dynamics of life, career, business, finance, and leadership.
  • A roadmap, framework, and tool for optimizing human performance, relationships, business and organizations.
  • Colour slides and diagrams.
  • A detailed explanation of emotions, moods, feelings and how to master your emotional life to turn it into an asset instead of a liability.
  • A system to overcome inertia, depression, and lack of motivation.
  • Tools to transform your personal image, presentation, and confidence.
  • Detailed exercises, affirmations, and worksheets.
  • Mood and physical environment lifting tools, ideas and know-how.
  • Video and audio explanations, delivered over time to match your learning speed.
  • 12-months of Hotline Support to ask questions, apply what you learn and provide a sounding board.
  • Regular Zone Tips delivered via email.
  • Monthly Newsletter with success stories and application, ideas, tools, tips and updates.
  • Comprehensive Zone Consultation to get you started and to identify your Key-Leverage Points.
  • Worksheets.
  • and much more!

In .PDF format, available to download immediately. You will receive automatic updates when this product is edited or improved!


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