GOLDZONE Annual Review Clean Slate




The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It!

9 out of 10 people would rather sweep the past under the rug, forget it and move on. This is a very effective strategy if you love to repeat the past and are not interested in creating a different future!

Taking an honest look at what worked, what didn't, why things happened the way they did versus the plan is a vital and necessary part of personal leadership and creating a compelling and exciting future!

We all have failures, losses, and times when things don't work out. Most people don't have an effective strategy to extract the key lessons from these losses and to liberate any Lifeforce that may be trapped in these events. Over time, one loss leads to another. Reviewing, reclaiming and releasing trapped Lifeforce brings the joy back to life! The future becomes brighter. Success comes more easily. From this place, future plans are easy to put together.

Planning is a way to create, imagine, postulate. Without a plan, we are at the effect of our past, our environment, our relationships, and the people we spend most of our time with. Without a clear and compelling vision, and realizable goals we are like a dead fish floating down the river. We are moving, however, there is no life in us!

A clear vision, with goals, creates a Dynamic Tension that pulls us into the future. It infuses us with life, energy, and motivation. Clarity is priceless!

With GOLDZONE, planning is fun and easy!

Often when we sit down to review and plan our lives, careers, relationships or businesses we run into limited thinking of what is possible and get stuck on "How to Do it?" We start with where we are today and look forward to the future. This is very hard work and is not the optimum way to do it.

GOLDZONE'S Annual Review Clean Slate starts by looking at what successes you have had and what failures you may not have integrated. Failed goals are often painful, so we work on those to extract the good purpose from them and let go of the unresolved emotion.

From this Clean Slate, we then consider what Ideal Scene we wish to envision if there were no limits and work backward to arrive at today. Most people who want to create a vision for themselves, start with the vision. This is difficult because the past must be clean slated before focusing on the vision!

Innovative ideas and creativity that you never knew you had emerge. This is a must do for couples, partners, entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders.

Beautiful Pages of Dynamic Inquiry and instructions. Delivered immediately in .PDF format.

The Clean Slate Process is ideal to do every 12-months as you review the past year and plan the next year!


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